Corporate Headshots

A friend put me in touch with Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, which was looking to have a business headshot done for Dr. Webb, a new member they were bringing onto their team. When scouting around their office, I noticed the perfect background that would compliment the outfit Dr. Webb was wearing, and it had just the right amount of texture to fit in with the theme of their past company headshots. I took a quick test shot using just the ambient lighting so they could see what it would look like.

“That looks great!” Dr. Webb said. “Well, that was easy!”

“That’s just the test shot” I quickly explained.

After telling them that with some lighting, it was going to look even better, I started setting up. A couple of flashes and reflectors later, we got the shot, and I showed her and the team the difference. Although the first photo isn’t bad, adding a couple of lights really adds some depth and contrast to the image. It’s wonderful to see how people react when they finally see and understand what goes into making a nice portrait. Looking forward to working with them in the future to update their business profiles.
